• Partnership with Ascom Safnat for software design and development of pabx.
  • Partnership with Pirelli for firmware design of a communication card for data transmission devices; design, production and supply of test work bench for the card.
  • For Cisco Systems, software development of a system test for the certification of a system for data transmission in optical fibre.
  • For Cisco Systems, production of a driver for Ethernet device over devoted hardware.
  • Hardware design and firmware development for controller cards used in many broadcasting audio e video systems (DVB-T) for Cte Digital Broadcasting.
  • In Marconi, design, development and production of gate array for signals' coding/decoding, using a code with high capability of error correction with high speed.
  • Many other partnerships with ILVA, ESA/GV, MARES, Elettromeccanica Bovone, ORMIG for embedded control systems.

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